
Authentic Worship

Written By: Michelle Eby The laughter of a child lights up the house. ~ Swahili proverb We talk a lot about worship, but what does it mean to authentically worship our Lord and Savior? Scripture talks a lot about worshiping the Lord. We are to worship Him only and rejoice in the Lord always! We are…
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Give to the King of Kings

Did you know that in the temple there was never made a chair?  The priestly duty was never done; Always a need to make sacrifices for the sins of the people. But when Jesus had paid the price on the cross, He said “It is finished” and then He sat down at the right hand…
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The Adventure of the Unknown

I stepped across the puddles and perched myself on the curb hoping for bus ride. Van after van passed by with a young guy hanging out the door shouting the destination. I told the young guy at the stand I wanted to go to Suhum. Eventually he identified my minibus, gave me the front seat…
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The Power of Healing thru Christ’s Love

The tall young man stood to tell his story. “In my country many do not know the story of Christ” he began. “I had a hard time getting anyone to accept my message until last year when we began the training about storytelling in the Bible. I went to the home of a particular woman…
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Springdale Church of the Nazarene provides Lagos Nazarene School with a bus

On-behalf of the Lagos district advisory board, we just want to express our deepest appreciation to Springdale Church of the Nazarene and her mission council for providing Lagos Nazarene School with a bus. It was five classrooms block a few years ago; and now school bus. What a blessing this is for the school and…
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Trip to Cape Verde in May 2018

  One of the fun responsibilities in my role as Regional Personnel Coordinator is to visit our missionaries on the field to see how they are doing and to provide missionary orientation for our new missionaries.  A couple of weeks ago, I got to do just that.  I traveled to the City of Praia, Cape…
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Jesus Film Trip to Togo

The sweat dripped from my brow as I sat in the small church in a town called Tsévié just outside of the capital city of Lome, Togo.  The morning sun had risen early and another warm Sunday morning in West Africa burst into light as we heard roosters announcing the start of a new day. …
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Jesus Film Equipment Arrives in Zambia

Luke 10:1-2 (NKJV) 1 After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. 2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of…
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Zone Center Church Under construction by Faith

Dear Rev.Cole I greet you in the precious name of our Soon Coming King Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am delighted to inform you and the AWF team that the College view Church of the Nazarene has embarked on a construction of a worship place and parsonage and guest house. The building is about 68ft…
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Deceased Pastor’s Wife Carries on Ministry and Begins Building Project

  The work of the church continues to grow throughout Africa.  I am encouraged today by our teams in Liberia in the central part of the country led by our district superintendent Rev. Sam Lama.  After planting many churches in the central district of Liberia the people continue to collaborate together to build their church…
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