Story From Liberia Central District
This community is a traditional town, near Sanniquellie where the poro society for men in the Mano culture is dominant. Most churches, attempting to take this community for Christ has failed. Most of the times, the poro master or also known as ‘devil’ comes out, Sunday Morning, putting fear in people, and sometimes, run behind non poro society members, living in this community, either as students or visitors. Having failed here in 2014, we decided to re plan and launch another move to take this community for Christ. The College view Church of the Nazarene, proclaimed a two days fast and prayer, and a prayer walk in the area on the last day of our fast and prayer.
The film team and the alerted church planters move on the ground, having arranged with the town chief, for the center of the town. Vigorous house to house publicity and invitation were given, At 7:45 PM, the film was projected, and hundreds of viewers came to hear the message in their own language- Mano; FIFTEEN minutes later, we heard confusion, and movement of people towards us, people begin to run header scatter, the poro master and gangsters, have prepared to disturb the gatherings. In the mist of this, the cloud begin to turn dark, in five minutes time, there were thunders in successions. We were calm all this times, but praying. We do not know what happened, the cloud became clearer, and the thundering stopped. The people came back, and at altar call, many youths and adults came forth to receive Christ Jesus in their lives, and among them, was a man believe to be in his fifties, called Paye Kerkpeh, this is his testimony-‘with boldness, I have come to admit that, I am the next in command in this town, when it comes to our society and manifestation of our father’s powers, but now, I and my two wives and children have come to give our lives to the Creator of all, who has greater powers than the powers of our earthly fathers, and hereby offer my house to be used as a worship place’. Mr. Kerkpeh and family were led to Christ, and today, his house is used as a worship place for the Danonpa Community Church of the Nazarene. Let us pray for them, as most of his friends are coming to service, as well.