Category: Ministry Moments

Church Planting Season in South Katanga Story 2

  “If the rhythm of the drum beat changes, the dance step must adapt.” That African proverb swept through my mind sitting across from the rhythm section of the praise and worship team in the little Nazarene church called Puits de Jacob. Pastor Jean Luc Kasongo was already fired up and dancing as the praise…
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Church Planting Season in South Katanga Story 1

The rhythm of the seasons brings hope to every community.  There is a time to plant and a time to harvest.  We see the evidence because we see the fruit.  How then can anyone have hope when there is a drought or a plague that disrupts the rhythm?  New growth is the answer!  It may…
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Orality Discipleship Grows in the Africa Central Field

The church planting efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to grow. Thanks to the efforts of many pastors and leaders, Jesus Film teams are opening churches in some of the most remote parts of the DRC. As churches are planted, discipleship becomes a focus in order to help the new members learn the word of God. However we know that getting printed bibles in local languages is difficult.

Change of Plan but Jesus Film Team impacts New Villages in Malawi

Hear the good news reported by our visionary Jesus Film Country Coordinator Rev. Gershom Kwerakwera as he trains and mentors one of the teams under his care in the Malawi Lakeshore District.  Development of the church is not easy but as on going training and leaders are developed, the church continues to grow.  Sometimes circumstances…
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Nazarene Boat Ministry in Maniema District

Along the Congo River, we have more than 30 preaching points and organized churches.  There are no other means of transportation to reach these areas.  No vehicles or motorcycles, just boats flowing on the river. Our goal this month was to go for the maiden voyage of  our new Nazarene Boat Ministry. 

Finding the Way – New Life in Benin

We stood before a tree.  The base was both stained and marred.  The man before me who told the story spoke in a sullen tone with lifeless expression.  Above his eyes in the center of his forehead there were two distinct self-inflicted scars to look like fangs.  On each cheek was the same dark sign that he was among the worshippers of the Python.

Looking back to the Eby Heritage in Missions

Join me in an adventure, will you? Let’s visit the Wahgi Valley in the
highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG), where the Church of the
Nazarene established mission work in 1956. The first missionaries,
Sidney and Wanda Knox, carved out a mission station at Kudjip with
the purpose of bringing the message of hope and salvation to the
thousands of people living in the valley. In succeeding years, several
additional missionaries arrived to support the missional outreach,
among them Lee and Carol Anne Eby in 1963.

Speaking to the Heart

Dropping down through the clouds, the sun shimmered off the surface of the deep blue lake.  The shoreline served as a tan border to the picturesque scene as it faded into the bright green lush forest rising into the hills and eventually topping out into the black lava rock mountaintops.  Straw thatched huts speckled the…
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Authentic Evangelism

Written By: Tim Eby We have this great glad message of good news for the world, and yet we struggle to win people into the Kingdom of God. Why does it seem so hard to pass on the good news in a way that impacts others lives? Why do we get distracted with the programs…
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Authentic Worship

Written By: Michelle Eby The laughter of a child lights up the house. ~ Swahili proverb We talk a lot about worship, but what does it mean to authentically worship our Lord and Savior? Scripture talks a lot about worshiping the Lord. We are to worship Him only and rejoice in the Lord always! We are…
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