Togo District North and South
Center Location:
Lome, Togo
The Togo district is very new for the Church of the Nazarene and just developing. In the north
there is a need for a simple zonal training center which is now underway but still in development.
For security reasons this is not a work and witness project but developing through local efforts.
However, in the south we desire to develop a zonal center at Atapkame. There we have purchased
a large piece of land that will develop as the education center and training area for students in the
Theological Institute as well as the development of a school for elementary education.
The local district is in the process of putting up a simple structure that will create a place to meet
for the district assemblies and will provide good development for the church in the future. Our
desire is to build a solid training center that will have classrooms, offices and some dormitory
rooms to house visiting teachers and students. The final goal is to develop a district center in the
capitol city of Lome for the church in Togo. We are still looking for land and waiting for the
development of the church before investing in this project.
The initial project to help the zonal center in Atapkame will take $20,000 USD and two teams willing
to come with $10,000 each to begin this important structure for the Togo South District.
For more information please contact Jeremy Height in the Africa West Field office
at: or Tim Eby at the Africa Regional Office
at or Rev. Moise Toumoudagou at: