The Faith of Two Sisters Opens a New Church in Kitale
North Kivu district, Goma Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Katindo Church from Goma, DRC in its 2019 – 2023 five-year vision planned to plant five churches, during the Corona pandemic which attacked and ravaged the whole world. The local church of Katindo in Goma, during this time of confinement, opened 14 preaching points in the North Kivu district around the city of Goma.
Inspired by this strategy, a lady MASIKA NDAKOLA of the Women’s Choir BÉTHANIE, went to her big sister in Katale and started the house cell group. The first day 42 people got together and asked that we start a church in their community. The Jesus film Team and the local missionary team of Katindo church, led by Rev. Walasa went to do the assessment and after showing the Jesus Film, the new preaching point was established.
Despite the area being nearly 80km out of the city of Goma and on the other side of a major river where there is no bridge, the teams and the follow up visits continued. Sometimes this area can be isolated for days or weeks if the heavy rains raise the river to flood stage and no one can cross. However, the determination of the Jesus Film team and the faith of these two sisters saw a church born in just two years.
In June 2020, the church officially opened its doors with a registered membership of 160 participants. A year later this sister’s family gave us a plot to build a church, the members contributed with the materials like nails and wood, and the Katindo church helped with the sheet metal for the roof as the mother church. It was a community effort. Even the Seventh Day Adventist church rents their chairs to this church on Sunday, so they have enough chairs for the people coming. The local Baptist pastor was kind enough to train their choir so they could have a vibrant worship service.
What a beautiful lesson in serving in God’s Kingdom together. The dream has become a reality, on September 4th, 2022, when we officially dedicated this new church building. All the ministers of God from other denominations attended the event. More than 600 persons attended the building dedication: We all said in unison “we do now, with joy and gratitude, humbly dedicate this building.”
Our thanks to Rev. Mutima, the North Kivu district evangelism coordinator with the JF team and pastor of the mother church who have sacrificed to make this new church plant a success. We express our gratitude and blessing to “LES RACHETES “(Redeem Church of the Nazarene) now established in Katale in the area of Masisi.
Our special thanks and recognition to our JF donors for the help they have provided in equipment and support to accomplish the mission. Thanks to my Regional coordinator who allowed me to be part of such a big celebration and our FSC Rev. Mario for his approval. Above all to our Almighty God, the provider who continues to build His church. From This church, four more preaching points are planned in the coming year.
Thank you and God bless you all for your support in one way or another. See you on the next chapter!
Rev. Nzola Dieumerci
ACF JF & Evangelism field coordinator