Liberia Monrovia District Center
Center Location:
Monrovia, Liberia
The land for district center in Monrovia is on the main highway leading out of town. Today
the ground is just a field of weeds and bushes but we see a future center for training,
camps, and retreats. Due to land ownership issues this land development has been put on
hold, but the Zonal center on Bushrod Island in the heart of the city continues to develop.
This Monrovia Zone Center property is developing but needs the help of some teams. The
main assembly hall is now complete with doors and windows. Alabaster funds built the
iron truss main assembly hall and local churches contributed and completed the walls and
flooring. Final finishing on this building will cost about $5,000 USD.
Our focus now is in developing a guest house type dormitory to house students that come
for training at this center and can also be used as a guest house to generate support for the
district center. The two story building will also provide office space for the district, education
and other entities on the district.
Construction will require approximately $50,000 USD for completion of both the buildings on
the Monrovia city zonal center. We hope to have five Work and Witness teams each bringing
$10,000 to help complete this important facility.
For more information please contact Jeremy Height in the Africa West Field office
at: or Tim Eby at the Africa Regional Office
at or Daniel Johnson at: