Cote d’Ivoire South District Center
Center Location:
Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
The district center has served this district for more than 10 years but has never
been completed. The first floor hosts an assembly hall used by the local church for
services as well as a full operational clinic. These facilities are completed, though
the clinic would like to expand and prepare a maternity ward to help local families
who cannot afford to go the regular hospitals to have their babies.
The second floor houses the educational institute, offices for the district, and
potential dormitory facilities. Classrooms have been refurbished but the dormitory
needs more help. Much has been developed but there is a great deal still not
finished to usable space. Completing this floor is the priority for this center.
The kitchen needs refurbishing, walls painted, cupboards built, ceilings repaired,
and floor tiles installed. One team between $5,000 and $10.000 will help to
complete the present upgrades needed to the building. Future development is to
expand the upper terrace into a large gathering place for the district. This is a
major project that will need $30,000 to complete and at least 3 teams to complete
this final phase of the district center development.
For more information please contact Jeremy Height in the Africa West Field office
at: or Tim Eby at the Africa Regional Office
at or Rev. Andre Maloula at